Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Books I'm reading.

*Pregnancy Edition*
I am a serial multi-book reader, when the book is informative instead of being a story.  Here's what's currently on my nightstand:

1. I'm hoping to do this childbirth thing the old-fashion way-no drugs.  Basically everyone I mention this to things I'm crazy or wishes me luck.  Not a whole lot of support around these parts, except for my hubby and my mom, which is all I need!  I really believe natural is the way to go.  So I figure I'd better prepare, prepare, prepare if I'm going to make it. I've been loving what I'm reading-exercises to help prep my body, learning all about the birthing process, and encouragement about giving birth naturally.  I'm definitely glad this book was recommended via my centering group

2. This is a huge hippie book....and I love it!  I skipped the first half, because it's birthing stories, which I'm not terribly interested in.  Every birth seems to be really different, so I sometimes  see birthing stories as expectations that I may not reach.  The second half has been great though.  It talks about how emotions affect the birthing process and there's this great theory called the "Sphincter Law" which makes complete sense to me.  This one I heard about via a Facebook group I'm a part of called "Mommy Support".

3. Amazing book about how to raise your child.  It's amazing how early kids start developing their character.  Character development is the thing that scares me the most about this whole parenthood thing-it's so important as far as how my daughter will interact with others throughout her whole life.  Everything makes so much sense, I'm glad my mom gifted this one to us this last Christmas.  In hindsight, that was a clear sign ;)

If anyone stumbles about this little ol' blog of mine, I'd love to hear your recommendations, leave them in the comments!

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